
David Wu


Katie Ricardo 

Erin Weeks



Diana Young, Lisa Taylor, Cindy Peterson



General Board Members

Deborah Balfour

Preston Smith

Heather Watson

Marlene Abreu



Pool Committee

Committe Chair: Deborah Balfour

Co-Chair: Mike Goff

Pool Committe: Richard Balfour, Diana Young, Preston Smith

Other Important Positions

For any Pool related questions:

Lisa Taylor

Closings Chair (404) 271-5975


Recreational Area Committee


Landscape Committee



Pool Committee


Membership Committee


Covenants Committee



Social Events Committee




Oversee tennis, and grass area out in front of the swimming pool
1. Empty trashcans about every two weeks (tennis court trash on an as needed basis).
2. Pick up all litter in area including viewing stands.
3. Check light bulbs on viewing stands.
4. Spray for weeds in all cracks on the tennis courts. 
5. Remove all debris from tennis courts. 
6. Report to Board if there are any problems.

1. Become familiar with landscaping contract.
2. Pick up litter on common grounds (this is in contract, but needs doing between  bi-weekly visits – and also needs to make sure this gets done. 
3. Report to landscaping company if any of the lights at the entrance are out. 
4. Notify Landscaping Company of problems of any kind (dead shrubs, workers dumping grass clippings on grounds – they are supposed to take them away). 
5. HOA is responsible for repairs to the irrigation system.

1. The chairperson will be the main point of contact with pool management company. 
2. Any problems or concerns regarding pool, lifeguards, etc. will be handled and communicated with the rest of the board. 
3. All bills concerning pool will be scanned and emailed to chairperson before they are paid (exceptions are the monthly contract bills) 
4. Will work with Social Committee chairperson in regards to any HOA sponsored party that uses the pool area. 
5. Private parties must be scheduled by pool chairperson
6. Pool chair will organize workdays to get the pool ready for opening
7. Post all pool events on signboard

1. Chairperson will work to increase permanent membership in the neighborhood. 
2. Will be in charge of making sure closing letters are done correctly and welcome packages are sent to new home buyers as needed. 

1. Chairperson will routinely inspect the neighborhood for covenant violations.
2. Will be very familiar with PCHOA Covenants and bring any issues to the Board for discussion. 
3. Will work with any household to resolve any issues before they become unmanageable and legal action is to be taken. 


1. Chairperson will oversee all neighborhood social events
2. Will create a list of items needed before, during, and after each event and present item to Board for approval. 
3. Will be in charge of getting volunteers to run and manage all social events.

Are you looking to help out in the neighborhood? Do you want to get involved, but don't know where to start? This is the position for you!


Areas of opportunity

  • Neighborhood Watch

  • Holiday Decorating

  • And so much more...
