Labor Day Luau
Join us for a celebration of end of summer and Labor Day. Burgers, Kahlua Pork, membership raffle, photo station……and more.

Adult Pool Party..... *** 21 and over only ***
Now that the kids are back in school….the adults can have some “without the kids” fun! Come join us for 90’s trivia with prizes, taco bar, music. BYOB

Movie Night "Finding Dory"
Another wonderful Friday Family Night…….a classic movie and some treats. See you there!

End of Summer Kids' Party
Come join us for a FUN time….Games and prizes every 30 minutes. Pizza, drinks, chips, popsicles to each individual….with additional food available for purchase. Raffle baskets will be available also! All pool members invited!!!

The Parkwood Commons Pool will OPEN May 1ST!
*New Pool Rules Contract must be signed by Head of Household prior to key fobs being activated.
Sunday, April 25th (pickup during HOA meeting 3:30pm)
Wednesday, April 28th 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Saturday, May 1st 8Am - 4pm OPENING DAY!
Sunday, May 2nd 2pm - 4pm
Thursday, May 6th 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Wednesday, May 12th 5:30pm - 7:30pm

Annual HOA Meeting
Come join us for our annual Neighborhood HOA meeting.
*Pool Season
*Pool Committee
*Neighborhood Events
*PCHOA Budget
*Board Member / Volunteer Opportunities

Parkwood Commons 2021 Graduation Banner
Please submit the names of Parkwood Commons 2021 graduating Seniors to BOD@parkwoodcommons.org no later than April 26, 2021.
Pool Committee Meeting
Please join us for our initial meeting of the Pool Committee for the 2021 pool season. Please feel free to join meeting by Zoom. Details:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 896 7477 6990
Passcode: 652884
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,89674776990#,,,,*652884# US (Washington D.C)
+13126266799,,89674776990#,,,,*652884# US (Chicago)
3rd Annual Easter Egg Hunt has been POSTPONED until further notice.
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak and the recommended social distancing, we feel it’s in everyone’s best interest to postpone the Easter Egg Hunt Until further notice.
Members and Non-Members are welcomed to attend!
This year we will have a separate egg hunt for the babies and toddlers before the main egg hunt begins! This will give them a chance to enjoy the Easter Egg Hunt at their own pace. There will be age appropriate candy and goodies for them as well. 🐰
The HOA is looking for volunteers to help out with the Easter Egg hunt this year!! What we need your help with...
*General set up and clean up
*Egg Hiders
Please email president@parkwoodcommons.org if you are interested in any of these volunteer positions and we will coordinate with you. Let's make this year's Egg Hunt awesome!! Thank you!!
4th of July BBQ
Come join us at the pool for a wonderful BBQ prepared by the Balfour Family. This is their annual Africa mission trip fund raiser.
Parkwood Commons Swim Team Meet
The Parkwood Commons Swim Team will host a competition. The pool closes to Parkwood Commons Residents beginning at 4:00 PM.
Kids Party at the Pool
All of our member kids are invited to the pool for a party with Food, Fun and Music.
Parkwood Commons Swim Team Meet
The Parkwood Commons Swim Team will host a competition. The pool closes to Parkwood Commons Residents beginning at 4:00 PM.
Swim Team - Mock Event
The Parkwood Commons swim team will host a mock event. The pool will be closed to residents beginning at 4:00 PM.
Memorial Day Cookout
Swim and Civic members are welcome to join us for our annual Memorial Day Cookout at the Pool.